At present, due to the increase in the number of birds dying per day, more attention needs to be paid to the measures that should be taken to protect our feathered friends. The lives of these small creatures are at great risk, especially due to the various activities carried out by humans. So, it is our responsibility to protect their lives. They are a vital part of the ecosystem. They help human beings in many ways by providing many key services. They maintain biodiversity and also keep the climate stable. Controlling insects is another great service done by them. Controlling insects is very important in agricultural industry. It helps a lot to make our country, which is an agricultural country, self-sufficient. Sri Lanka is famous for its tourism industry. The beauty of these little winged beauties also helps to uplift the tourism industry.
So, now we know how important these little creatures are and we know we should protect them. How can we do that? We can start it with a small step. When on the roads, on the beach, on a trip, we should not add garbage to the environment. We can collect the garbage in the environment and put it in the right places. By doing so, we can prevent the death of birds due to consumption of toxic waste. We can leave nesting birds alone.
Sri Lanka is a country inhabited by a large number of wild bird species. Going to observe the places where they live can cause them trouble. Allowing them to live freely is a great help that we can do for them. It is harmful for their lives to eat things, which contain harmful toxins. The use of natural pesticides is another step that we can take to protect them. Keeping pets indoors is one of the steps you can take to protect the birds that have made their homes in your home garden. Slowing down on roads and marking the transparent glass windows will help reduce the number of deaths and injuries to birds due to accidents. Protecting existing habitats and creating small bird habitats (even in your garden) will help birds to save their lives.
Those are some of the small steps that we can take to protect birds. In Particular, you can volunteer your time to search about birds, to know the problems faced by them and causes behind those problems and to know how to take care of the birds. At least we can make donations to the organizations that work for the welfare of the birds.
This is the perfect time to take your first steps. Let us make their lives wonderful just as they make our lives.
- Rtr. Manodya wickramasinghe -